
Building Sound and Transparent Governance

To maintain and grow the company in a rapidly changing business environment, we recognize the need to establish a sound governance structure and management system. With the growing importance of ESG management, it is also critical to control non-financial risks. To this end, we formed a balanced Board of Directors and a number of committees under the Board, including the Sustainability Management Committee, to move business forward and make decisions in the interests of our stakeholders, particularly shareholders and customers. In addition, by establishing a robust management system, we have sought to identify and manage both financial and non-financial risks in a proactive manner.

Transition to Green Finance table
Materiality of Topic The Board of Directors, as our highest decision-making body, deals with matters concerning business strategy and the company’s long-term growth.
The sound make-up and transparent operation of the Board is fundamental to ensuring long-term business continuity. Furthermore, because the ethical standards of the company determine its reputation, particularly in the financial sector, it is critical that we maintain customer trust by putting in place reliable systems to manage risks and protect customer data.
Hanwha Life's
Management Approach
We seek balanced decision-making by maintaining independence and diversity on the Board. In 2021, we created our Sustainability Management Committee to lay the foundations for ESG management, and in 2022, we have updated and adopted our “Corporate Governance Charter.” We have drafted and distributed ethical management policies and are striving to create an enterprise-wide culture of ethics and compliance. Furthermore, equipped with a risk management system for both financial and non-financial risks, we are pre-empting the uncertainties and potential losses that could occur as we do business in a rapidly changing financial environment.